Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday afternoon; 26 January 2009

David just called and Susan is scheduled to be released to come home later this afternoon!!!!!

He said the someone from the physical rehab came by and assessed her mobility issues, and reported that she was doing fine and did not need to go through their unit. There is going to be some socialization help available that will be set up to work on speech and memory issues that are still lingering at this time, but can be done at home in Greenville.

Praise God!!! He has worked miracles in Susan's life and in the life of this family - please continue to pray for her complete recovery from this difficult health event in her life. Continue to pray for David as he brings home his bride of 32 years! Pray for Jon and Julie for God's healing in their emotional turmoil over the past 12 days. God is faithful to help them through this thus far, and will continue to do so in the future.

Keep checking - it won't be long until Susan will be able to post on here on her own -

In His mighty grip at all times........


  1. What wonderfull news! Coming home, along with prayer, will speed up the recovery. Keep up the good work.

  2. I am so happy to hear that!!
