Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday evening; 17 January 2009

I just got off the phone with David (around 8:00pm) and he gave another encouraging report on Susan. The doctor told David today that Susan was even more alert today than anything he has seen in her thus far. David also said that Susan, not wanting to be tied down, and not wanting the tubes in her nose and throat, was able to bend over and pull on the tubes to remove them herself. Due to that activity, the doctors have now added some sedation to help keep her calmer so that the ventilator can help her body heal. The nurse told David tonight that they were planning to remove the ventilator tomorrow (possibly after lunch) and monitor her blood oxygen levels to make sure they remain where it should be. If it drops, they will have to hook her back up, but hoping - and us PRAYING that the blood oxygen levels will remain on the high side.

One correction to be made to an earlier posting - the heart cath will not be scheduled to be done until Susan is completely off any life support and is much stronger - so, that will happen at some time later, rather than as quickly as I had indicated in the earlier blog. Keep this in prayer as well.

David also talked about the wonder of the Internet and how word about Susan has spread world-wide in a very short period of time, and knowing that people are praying for them from all over, and...this has not even been announced in a church meeting yet! God IS soooooo good...... David expressed his heart-felt thanks and appreciation for all who are keeping up with Susan's condition and most especially the prayers that are being lifted up on their behalf.

Please continue to pray for David, Jonathan and Julie and the rest of the family as they remain vigilant at the hospital. Pray for God to supernaturally stretch the effects of what rest they get to compound into more "rest hours" than they actually are able to sleep. Also pray that the "picture" memories they have of Wednesday night will fade quickly and what they see in their minds is Susan healthy, vibrant and energetic.

One more thing was shared tonight - God is not only working to heal Susan's physical condition, but He is already at work healing relationships that have been hurting for a long time...friends from years ago are hearing about Susan and rallying around the family during this time. Once again, we see that Jehovah Rapha is the ACTIVE AGENT in our lives - not just a passive God, but an Active, Loving, Faithful, Merciful, Gracious God.....Amen and Amen.....

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