Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday evening; 19 January 2009

I need to make a correction about something I wrote after lunch - they are going to put the pacemaker/defibrilator in on Wednesday, not Thursday. So - keep that time covered in prayer for Susan and the family as well.

They still have not moved Susan to a private room yet (6:00pm) but the orders have been given, apparently waiting for a room to be ready. Susan continues to want to go home, and has not quite grasped the entire nature of the incident that took place in getting her to the hospital, so pray for her increased clarity in understanding that (and is most likely related to some medication they are giving her to help with general anxiety related to be in the CCU).

David did tell me that on Sunday, she was able to eat ice chips on her own, and ate a popcycle as well, cutting it into smaller pieces and eating it with a spoon with no assistance from anyone. Susan's strength is returning, and due to that, apparently some bit of willfulness is there as well (pulling out tubes, IV, etc.). Again, pray for God's peace for Susan, David, Jon and Julie.

Also pray for David and the family to be able to get the rest that is so needed as they stand by Susan at this time. They need that rest in order to maintain their own health as well.


  1. This is such encouraging news. My thoughts and prayers continue with the family. I have put them all on the prayer list with my friends here in Northern Virginia. We have prayer warriors in abundance lifting up this family. I am so very thankful for this website. THANKS!!!


  2. Thank you so much for posting this information. Susan, David, Jon and Julie..You are in my thoughts and prayers! Love you guys!

  3. David, After talking with you and learning of all the progress, the titles & words to two hymns come to mind:
    To God Be The Glory & the GCS theme song:
    Great is Thy Faithfulness!
    We have an awesome God!
    Our love to you and family.

  4. Dear Friends: We are praying that God's healing hand will wrap around Susan and bring her back to where she was. We are praying for rest and peace for the three of you. Know that you are loved and that we think of you so very often during the day and that prayers are being lifted up. Gary and Cheryl

  5. This is Jaime, I work with David. I am the executive secretary for the fire department. I am so glad that Susan is doing better. We continue to pray for everyone. I have been following her progress as well as the firefighters that responded to the call. If there is anything we can do, don't hesitate to give us a call. We really appreciate you setting up the blog so we can follow Susan's progress. We are here for all of you.
    Jaime Hottendorf

  6. Thank you for setting up this blog so that we can continue to pray through each step of Susan's recovery. Our family is praying for each of you daily and hope that you are feeling God's sustaining arms under and around you. You all are dearly loved.
