Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday morning; 20 January 2009

The report from David this morning continues to be ever encouraging. Susan had a restful night and morning. She is still in CCU awaiting a private room to become available - continue to pray for that. She was talking more to David again this morning and trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. As David explained what happened again, her response was "wow... am I going to be alright?" David assured her she was doing great and was so proud of her in her recovery.

The nurse informed David that the doctor scheduled both the heart cath and the pacemaker procedures for Wednesday. While that is different from what David was initially told, be in prayer for tomorrow as they do these procedures on Susan.

For those who have expressed "thanks" for this blog - please know this is being done out of (1) love for our God first and foremost and give Him the glory in all that is done, and (2) love for the Herbert family. We have been "across the street" neighbors for nearly 20 years and do love them - our boys and Jon (and sometimes Julie) played many games of front yard football, baseball, soccer, got into arguments and came out of it all still enjoying each other. As parents, we would sit back and watch them work it out most of the time - it was great fun for our children to grow up in this neighborhood and we truly love Susan, David, Jon and Julie.... So, for those "thanks" expressed - it is our pleasure to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Herberts during this time...Give God all the glory, honor and praise for all He IS and is doing...


  1. When God created us, he built into us a means of coping with deep trauma. It's what causes a mother to forget the trauma of labor and delivery, allowing her the joy of wanting subsequent children. It's called 'post-trauma amnesia'. I learned of this when my mother experienced it during her treatment for cancer many years ago.

    Susan will probably learn of all the difficulty she has experienced through the words of her family and friends. What a blessing. As a result of not fully recalling all she went through, she will be better able to heal emotionally and physically from this traumatic episode in her life.

    What amazing creatures we are. God thought of everything. I'm so grateful Susan will be surrounded by people who love her and will be able to read the thoughts and prayers of those whose lives she has touched. What a beautiful way to heal.

    We continue to pray, Herberts! We love you all.

    Bj & David Hickman

  2. Susie,Herbie,Jon,and Julie,

    We all love you very much. You are in our prayers everyday. We are very grateful for you guys to create this blog so we can check on Susie and you all. Since we live so far way it makes us feel better so we can see how everything is going. We'll keep praying for the Herbert Family everyday.
    The Stapleton Family
