Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday evening; 24 January 2009

Kendra and I went over to visit Susan in the hospital this afternoon - and she is doing GREAT - Julie had helped her shower, do her hair and put on some makeup earlier in the day (I think I may have mentioned that in the earlier post). She was sitting up and talking with David and Julie. Jon has not been able to come over the past several days due to having a bad cold and not wanting to expose Susan to any germs - and he is really missing seeing his Mom - they are hurting for him as well, so pray that Jon gets better quickly and gets to spend time with Susan again very soon.

David was explaining the pacemaker/defib device - Kendra asked if there were any restrictions to Susan's activities now. He said the doctor told him that Susan could no longer scuba dive nor work as an arc-welder! (He did say that she could watch arc-welding, but could not hold the electrode any longer!!) Susan had the funniest look on her face and said she did not remember having done either of those before! It was a funny and precious moment with them - we had a really good laugh!

Susan's short-term memory still has some recovery to go - which is a normal reaction of the body to a major cardiac arrest - Susan tends to repeat things several times - she asked us three different times if we had met her brother (who had come to visit as well). It was kinda hard not to chuckle a little bit, but we restrained ourselves. David very lovingly and patiently tends to Susan and answers her questions (sometimes more than once!) It's quite cute especially knowing that they really anticipate this being only a short term issue.

There were several others that came in to visit, so we did not stay long, but they are all looking forward to Susan coming home soon. The plan is still to get her into a room at the Baylor Internal Rehabilitation unit on Monday - they are waiting for a bed to become available.

Keep them in your prayers - things are still getting better and better...

1 comment:

  1. David and Susie. We are praying for you and your family. WE are in Tulsa, OK at this time but I have been faithfully watching your blog. Your blog is the reason that I set up Buel's blog and has worked really well so that everyone in TX can keep up with us. We are praying that we get good news Monday as we have an appt with the Dr. for results from CT scans taken Friday. We will also get our "Treatment Plan" Monday morning. Love you all. Tommie
