Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday morning; 19 January 2009

I just got off the phone with David and he said that Susan received a "C" in conduct yesterday from the CCU staff! They took the ventilator off yesterday morning and the tube from her nose, and even removed the wrist restraints as long as one of the family was in the room with her - she tended to be much more relaxed when one of the family was there. Otherwise, she would take off her blood pressure cuff and want to go home.

Her blood oxygen levels have remained constant and according to David, is looking much more like her "old" self (not that he meant "old", but "former" - that is added for Susan's benefit when she gets to read this, I don't want David in any trouble!!). Her facial expressions, color and overall demeanor is more normal each time he goes in to see her. She is communicating more and more and continually tells David, Jon and Julie that she loves them, even told them yesterday how blessed she felt having them for a family...

David reported that the doctor this morning is still planning to get her in a regular room and out of CCU - so she continues to progress tremendously.

David expressed his heart felt gratitude for all the prayers that are being lifted up for Susan and the family - they feel the prayers and know that God is the One who is sustaining them at this time.

They have a laptop occasionally where they can check on the blog themselves and read comments, so please - add your comments of prayer and support for them to read when they can.

We can rejoice that we are ALL still in His mighty grip...


  1. It is wonderful to hear all the good news on the blog. When I first read about Susan on our class of 76 yahoo group, I cried. Susan has always been such a sweet and dear person. In fact, David, do you remember you were at a garage sale my sister and I had several months ago? We teased you then about how you didn't deserve someone as wonderful as Susan. Well, after reading all the entries on this blog--I change my mind. You are a dear man and I pray that you and Susan share many more years together. God has already done so much and my family and my church family are praying that He will continue to heal Susan and to be with you both during the whole recovery process.

    Love, Jeanna (Cates) Wentworth

  2. Buel and I are praying for your whole family. God is so good. David, we are about to leave for Oklahoma, Cancer Center Treatment of America to see if they can help Buel. But, I want you to know that we will be praying everyday for both of you. I will be checking Susie's blogsite every day while we are gone.

  3. Our God is so wonderful and beautiful! :)

    I praise him in this very hour for all he is doing for Mrs. Susan. When I called home and got the news, I just went back to the day I meet Julie's mom for the first time. So beautiful and the sweetest thing to me.
    Even though I'm many miles away there is not a day I have not prayed for Mrs.Susan and your wonerful family.
    I even ask the people I stay with to pray for her.
    So yes, world-wide Mrs. Susan is being lifted up to Our Wonderful Father!

    I love you guys so much
    God is love!
    Mary :)

    P.S to the people that write these blogs: Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, really it means alot to me. I am living in India right now and this is really the only way to get updates on Julie's mom. Julies is a dear friend to me. So thank you!

    Jewels, i love you baby girl and i can't wait to come home and hug you. You hang in there and sing that beautiful voice for your mommy.

  4. Susie is the "darling girl" of our family. We are praying and praising.

  5. There's nothing I can add here except to say "Hallelujah!"

    We continue to pray...for each of you...for rest for your bodies, your minds, and your hearts...for God's perfect peace...and for continued healing.

    So much love to you...
    Bj & David Hickman
