Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday morning; 23 January 2009

It hardly seems possible that this blog has only been here for a week - and it speaks to God's GREAT power and ability as Jehovah Rapha, the God Who Heals - to take care of Susan in 9 days... But, then we have to remember that He spoke creation into existence in its entirity and perfection in just 6 days, so it really is no stretch for an onmiscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God.

David reported just a few minutes ago that the doctor was talking about releasing Susan to go home today, but really wants her to get some physical therapy to help with her strength and endurance after what her body has been through - she is still very weak and gets nauseated when up very long. He tried to get her into the Baylor Internal Rehab unit, but they don't have a bed for her at this time. So, now the plan is for Susan to (1) have the IV removed as well as the heart monitor (everything there is good); (2) stay in Baylor through the weekend, have some physical therapist time there, and then hopefully (3) get a room at the BIR for several days of physical therapy before being released to come home.

What an incredible report! God is awesome, merciful, gracious, faithful, good, powerful, well - I'm overwhelmed right now, so fill in the rest of the blanks....

Please continue to pray for Susan and the family - weekends at the hospital are pretty quiet - not much goes on. I encouraged David to play cards, games, whatever they can do to help positively pass the time - and get plenty of rest...


  1. Susan,

    Remember the following as you enter rehab:

    Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

    I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

  2. I can't believe it!! I am so happy to hear that.

  3. Susie and Herbie,

    Oh, my goodness! What a blessing to have friends with blogspots! I was so glad to find this site and get the updates yesterday and today. I tried to post a note last night, but something went wrong, so here I go again.

    My thoughts and prayers have been with you all week. I am so thankful to hear all the good news. It is times like this that I wonder what I am doing several hundred miles away!

    Susie, I will sure look forward to giving you an extra-long hug the next time I am home and we get to visit. I love you, dear cousin . . .

  4. I'm so happy to hear that Susie is doing so well. praise the lord.
    the Stapleton Family (colorado)
