Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday afternoon; 19 January 2009

David reported just before lunch that Susan was going to be moved to a private room sometime this afternoon. The doctor was very encouraged by her progress and said that a private room would be very beneficial to her as well. There tends to be a development in patients in CCU rooms over a period of time that creates a heightened level of anxiety in them, and a private room will help keep this from developing.

The plan now is for tomorrow to perform the heart catheterization and check to make sure everything is working as it should. Then, they have planned to put in a heart pacemaker/defibrilator so that any future incidents can be headed off by the p/d. This will be done on Thursday (I think that is what David said, but later this week for sure).

The family is still greatly encouraged by the prayers and visits and provision you all are making for them in the name of our Lord and Savior - please continue to lift them up and watch the miracles of our Father in Heaven as this continues to unfold.


  1. To the Herbert Family - Our prayers are with you all during this time! It is obvious from what I just read that God is holding each of you close and carrying you through this time. I praise God for the work he is doing in each of your lives.

    Love the Hazlett's
    (Curt, Katie, Christopher and Nicolas)

  2. Dear Herbert Family, We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.We are looking foward to Susan's speedy recovery and know that Susan is in the Lord's hands.Susan you are an inspiration to everyone who has ever known you. We look forward to you comming home as soon as possible! Love Linda, Gene, Laura and Bryan.
