Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday morning - 17 January 2009

I just received a text message from David regarding Susan - as follows:

She is able to track movement with her eyes - will follow commands - nods head - squeezes hand, still long way to go. Marked improvement. Still heart very weak.

Know that David, Susan, Jonathan and Julie appreciate and covet your continued prayer support in this situation. Our God is an awesome God - Who still sits on His throne and is still in control... Susan is in His mighty grip....Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. David,

    I learned of Susan's condition on Thursday from Ronnie Baker who posted it on a Class of 76 message board before he was even able to confirm what was really going on. David and our kids and I, along with many many of Susan's classmates, have been praying diligently and have already begun to rejoice with you over these small signs of improvement.

    Please know that we will continue to trust God for complete healing and restoration. Susan is so precious, and there is still so much yet for the two of you to experience together. We love you both so very much and will wait expectantly for the next good news!

    Much love,
    Barbara & David Hickman
