Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday evening; 25 January 2009

Susan's mother just called to give me an update for the blog - She reports that Susan is doing "better and better every day!" Today, Susan was walking in the hall and feeling more confident in walking, has a good appetite (totally eating on her own now without any help from anyone), and her short term memory is improving daily. Susan got on the phone for a minute with me and continues to express her love and appreciateion for everyone praying for her, and is apologetic for "putting everyone through all of this" (such a sweet heart of a lady!!!) The plan is still to get her into the rehab for a couple of days if they can get her a room tomorrow - still pending.

Susan's mother expressed her GREAT appreciation for all the family and friends who have continued to lift them up in prayer, and confesses that God is the one who has provided the healing, to the point that some of the doctors are amazed at the level of recovery that has been accomplished in such a short period of time.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow............Amen and Amen........

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