Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday evening; 22 January 2009

Prayer Warriors:
Thank you for your patience today - I'm sure you all have checked the blog multiple times today - my apologies - I have been out of town until just a little bit ago.

David reported that Susan came through the pacemaker/defib procedure and is doing great. The doctor was VERY pleased with the results of the procedure and is greatly encouraged by her continued progress.

From what David said, it sounded like he and Susan played "20 questions" today - he was quizzing her about the car she drove, where she worked, the name of the business, the address, and she was answering them correctly, and sounded like they had fun doing so. Susan also asked her father (whom she works for) to verify that he would not fire her for taking off from work as long as she has - he told her he was holding her job for her (cute!).

The doctor mentioned a possibility of Susan doing some physical rehab prior to coming home and is checking on that for them - more on that later, but there seems to be a very positive movement toward Susan coming home rather quickly (within the next week possibly!).

Keep those prayers going to the Father - keep those comments coming in to the blog - Susan will need some additional positive reading materials once she gets home! It will be a blessing for her to be able to read all that has been said and prayed for her over the past week (and still counting).

Also, continue to pray for strength and rest for the family as they sit with Susan in the room, drive back and forth between Greenville and Baylor, attend to jobs, paying bills, walking the dog, etc.

Continuing to be held In His mighty grip...


  1. David, It was so good to talk with you today as we all praise God for what He has done! If Susan needs to go to Baylor Rehab, it is just one of the best in the country and they are wonderful to work with folks. That could be a real blessing for her to regain her strength in her transition home. We along with so many others continue to lift up all of you folks in prayer. Our love to you and family!

  2. To David, Jon & Julie: Chris & I came over last week to minister to you, yet it was you who ministered to us--your faith and your hope were evident, comforting and reassuring. David, I keep thinking of something you said that night, “If someone offered me a million dollars in one hand and said that I would never have to worry about anything [financially] again, and if someone else offered me a prayer in the other hand, I would take the prayer any day.” I, too, would choose the hand with one prayer over a fist full of dollars! The power of prayer is awesome as we have all witnessed this past week. Susan, you are proof! What an awesome God we serve! Please know that Chris, Caleb, Ethan & I will continue to pray for your speedy and full recovery. Love, Angie Vaughan

    Psalm 31:24 “Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”

    Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”

  3. David and Susan, old neighbor here, Amy Simpkins Davidson, I'm following along and wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! We rejoice with you for God's mercy and kindness that Susan progresses everyday, BLess the Lord!

  4. Susan,

    I hope you know how we are praising God for your healing. This week has been some of the greatest highs, but also some extreme lows when the first reports were given. I will tell you details sometime, but for now, I'm just ecstatic that you are doing so well. I am looking forward to seeing my neighbor at her mailbox, driving up in her surburban, mowing her lawn and all of those other boring everyday happenings. Those things will be a reminder to me every day of the healing that God has done in you. We will probably be over this weekend. I want to see all of the good progress that you have made. PTL one more time for your healing!!
    Love ya bunches,

  5. Praise the lord.I know hospitals can be really boring but when you get back home it wont seem so bad. Keep the good news coming.

  6. I spoke with David today as well. I can't wait until y'all get to go home!
