Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday evening; 20 January 2009

Susan has finally been moved to a private room - Roberts 1018 in Baylor Hospital. Susan will have the heart cath tomorrow (Wednesday) and then the plans are to put in the pacemaker/defib device on Thursday.

David reported that Susan is in good spirits, and keeping them laughing tonight - some from the medication, most likely, but they are enjoying each other's company tonight. Laughter is a healing factor in our lives, and even though it may be enhanced by some medication, laughter provides a healing all its own anyway.

Please continue to lift them all up in your prayers and they are very appreciative of the comments you leave for them - they are able to read them most every day...


  1. We continue to give praise to God for His Grace & Mercy! The One Who made us can certainly mend us as well! We will be praying!

  2. These are awesome reports. My church and I ontinue to pray. Herbie & Susie -- we love you. I told my small group of guys I meet with each week from the church last Thursday night about your situation. They asked what my relationship with Susie was. I told them it was the first "real woman" I ever had a crush on. And that I spent about 2 years of my pre-adolescent life jealous of Herbie! Okay -- so maybe it was more than two years. I'm just glad this whole marriage thing worked out between the two of you otherwise I'd have been very upset with Herbie. Get better soon. You've already been in my prayers today.

  3. keep the good news coming! you are in our prayers. keith & karalu pope

  4. David,

    Hey, my brother look-alike. Just wanted to let you know that you & Susie have been in my prayers. My uncle passed away on Thursday night after a long battle with leukemia and I went to Arkansas this past week-end but you were in my thoughts & prayers every day. I so wish that we would have had a blog website like this over this past year. It would have been so helpful. What wonderful neighbors you have!

    Rhonda Kelly

  5. I praise our God for all he continues to do and the healing power He has shown each of us! Love to each of you!
    Jack and Rhonda
