Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday morning; 21 January 2009

David reported that Susan came through the heart cath with flying colors! The doctor said that the EKG was excellent, no blockages and that everything looked good from the inside as well. He reported that Susan's heart is operating at this time at about 45% efficiency - normal is between 50 and 60 - and this is more than twice what it was when she came in (was about 20% efficiency). So, he was very encouraged by all that the tests revealed.

She was in recovery for a short period of time, and then will return to her room. They still plan to do the pacemaker tomorrow (Thursday). The doctor further told David that if all goes as well as he expects, Susan might be able to come home sometime around the first of next week.

We will continue to lift Susan, David, Jon and Julie and the rest of the family up in our prayers, and be sure to give God the praise, honor and glory for all that is being done - He is the God Who heals - Jehovah Rapha...


  1. To the Herbert Family we juts wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and payers. If there is anything we can do for you just let us know. David what you said that night in the ER outside your wife's room has stuck in my head. What I should have did yesterday. I cant explain how or why those words Encouraged me the way they did, but Thank You for that. The good lord give your family a gift, he gave you tomorrow.
    Engine 3
    C Shift

  2. Yay! Good job, Susan. You sure are one strong woman. We are still pulling for you guys.
    Greenville Fire Rescue
